Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pet Turkey Vulture

We are not too happy with our new tenant.

If I have identified it correctly, I think this is a Turkey Vulture or Turkey Buzzard.

It has an injured wing and has been living in the surrounding forests for at least six months. 
Now the vulture has discovered the insects on our back porch. 
I frighten it off, but it comes back.

And, NO, I am not feeding it!

Now I can't say there aren't some juicy morsels of Easter Bunny that Flip has left around the yard.


  1. Oh---I know they are just part of the world of birds, too, but they are right up there on my least favorite list. lol UGH-ly. xo Diana

  2. Big and of Gods creatures.

  3. Although it is a special bird, I can imagine that you are not very happy with him.
    Can you not ask the wild birdshealth to pick him up, then his wing can also be taken care of and they can put it back into the wild.

    Kind regards, Gerry
