Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wedding Bells Love Letter--15 February 1980

Sit down with a cup of coffee and have a read of this epistle:

15 February 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I suppose I should have typed this, but I don't want to listen to the machine this afternoon. Well, I have completed one week of work here at the Korean Embassy. It was a little strange at first, but now it is better. I am secretary for the Ambassador and his councilor (advisor), but I don't have too much to do. I stay busy enough, but I do have free moments, too. I work from 9:00-12:30 and 2:00-5:30. The traffic hasn't been too bad, but the weather is a little messy sometimes. Today it is cloudy and has rained a bit.

There are two other secretaries (one is English and the other is Dutch). The Dutch girl is a little strange, but we all get along fine. In fact, today we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant together. They are very helpful since this is a new field for me.

J. and I have talked about a wedding date. June 6 seems to be a good time, but this isn't definite. Since you and Daddy will be my only family here, I just want a small wedding and reception. I told J. I didn't want to entertain and feed farmers and such that I don't know and can't talk to. He said he would talk it over with his parents, but I'm not going to let them talk me into something I don't want to do. I'll come back to the U.S.A. first!!! J. said A. would be upset that she would not be here, and I said how do you think my friends and family feel. As you can imagine, our wedding planning conversation was a wet one. But please don't write about that.

We thought that you might plan your trip to come here about three or four days before the wedding. That will give you time to rest and help me finish my plans. After the wedding we want to travel two weeks or so through Europe with you. It won't be a Honeymoon so have no fear that you are intruding. So you should think about a 3 week ( or more) stay here. I get 21 days of paid vacation, so I will take it then.

J. just wants a civil ceremony, but I want a religious one, too. We will just have to see what develops. I will have to get some bride's magazines to see what I'm supposed to do. Things are different here. I will get gifts, but no showers. That is the breaks, huh?

Anyway, I have much to think about. I have an idea, but I haven't told J. yet. Do you think W. would be old enough to come here with you? It may be a crazy idea, so just tell me. Perhaps M. and S. wouldn't even let her come. Anyway, I wish I had had such a chance when I was her age. Don't say anything to her yet. I'll write you later and tell you what J. and I think. It was just an idea. By the way, anyone who wants to may come, but I just thought W. might enjoy it.

Well, it is 5:05 and I'll start getting my things together. I drive for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. I'm getting good driving experience. We will go to Olst tonight, but I'm going to insist that we go back to Rotterdam on Sunday afternoon. My apartment has been neglected this week.

My telephone number at the embassy is 070-__________ The Hague. If you need me between 9 and 5:30 pm, just call and ask for me.

Write when you have time. I got red tulips for Valentine's Day. J's mother gave me a sewing box. I am not sure why she thought she had to give me a gift.

Take care.
Love, Linda


  1. I love these letters, Linda. It is so much fun to look back on that time in your life! xo Diana

  2. What a wonderful trip down memory lane!

  3. You'll have to let us know how the wedding turned out, and what you decided to do about the various plans.

    The job sounds like a good one - your first year there and already 21 days of vacation! :)
