Saturday, May 16, 2015

New Grandbaby/Niece--Anno 1980

My niece C (the one with two precious daughters) is celebrating her 35th birthday this year. Here is how we found out back then:

Love Letter
29 February 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy,

Congratulations on the birth of your new grand-daughter. J. and I were pleased to get your phone call on Tuesday night. Calling us wasn't that difficult, was it? S. called us much later (1:39 a.m. here) not knowing that you had called. But we were glad that he called, no matter what time of day or night. The same goes for you. Never hesitate to call. We are always at home during the week and now most week-ends.

Let me know all about C. I wrote and asked S. to send her picture. I really hate that I can't be there to see her. We mailed a small package for the children on C's birthdate. As we sent it by Surface Air Lift, S. should receive it by middle March. I sent the baby a blanket, a carry-all for each of the girls, and a car for J. I didn't feel like I could send the blanket without including something for the others.

We saw A. and the boys off to Sydney, Australia on Wednesday night. She called us last night that she arrived safely. After a 26 hour flight, I am sure she is sleeping well today. She went to a house with rented furniture since her things are still in a big container in the Sidney harbor. There has been so much trouble with the things, that I wonder if she will ever get them.

We will stay here this week-end and give the S's a chance to rest. J's cousin N. and her friend will come to spend the night on Saturday, so I've got my cleaning work cut out for me. I'll work on the cleaning tonight so I can shop tomorrow. I want to buy fabric for new clothes.

Just a few more months, and we'll see you. If you need anything, just let us know.

Love, Linda and J.


  1. These are so much fun to read...and Happy Birthday to your niece, C! xo Diana

    1. Glad you are enjoying these. I sometimes hesitate to publish them, since I wonder if I am the only one who still finds them interesting. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday, and don't forget to watch Call the Midwife. It comes on tonight on my PBS here in Louisiana. Linda
