Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Binge Reading Love Letters Home

Wedding Month. 
Countdown to 35th Wedding Anniversary. 
Too Many Love Letters Left To Read!!!

That must mean Binge Reading! So here we go:

8 April 1980
Tuesday morning

Dear Mother and Daddy,

The Ambassador is in Madrid, Spain this week, so I'm not sure how busy I'll be. I still have work to do for the Counsellor, so I hope I'm not too idle. Tomorrow I have the afternoon off to go with J. to register our wedding at the City Hall in Rotterdam. Mr. and Mrs. S. will come to have dinner with us afterwards. In May we will see a Notary and make a wedding contract and wills. So on June 7 everything should be in order.

I found a wedding dress in Deventer ( near Olst) on Saturday. It is lilac print voile over a lilac slip. I like it, but J. isn't overly pleased. But it is pretty and suitable for this type of wedding.  I will buy new shoes soon and order my flowers in May. J. still has to buy a suit, but we've got time.

We had a long discussion yesterday and made some more plans. We chose our invitations (English and Dutch) and will see the proof later this week. We are sending around 200 invitations, and we expect about 200 people to attend the reception. Less than that will be at the City Hall. Several of J's friends will have their old Mercedes, etc. and that will be nice. For the reception we will have a receiving line, cake and tea eating, tidbits and drinks, and then a snack for those who stay later than 7:00. In case of wet, cold weather, we will have a tent in the backyard. If the weather is nice, the sides will roll up and it is just a roof. There will be two waiters and two ladies in the kitchen. That should make things easier. 

At lunch on the wedding day, about 10-15 of us will go to a restaurant to eat. J's dad mentioned that he would say a few words and maybe Daddy would like to do the same. I'll find out more about it and let you know.

Mother, J. said to remind you that everyone here shakes hands. So be prepared when men and women grab your hand. Some people may kiss you on the cheeks, but I'm not sure. Be prepared for anything. And these crazy people never drink or eat until everyone is ready. All drinks except coffee and tea are "toasted," so you have to wait until all glasses are raised before you drink. I found it strange at first ( especially when I was thirsty), but I have gotten used to the different ways. But don't worry too much about all of these rules and such, just enjoy yourself. When you see these Dutch people shoveling in the food with a fork in the left hand and the knife in the right, you will be glad that we eat the American way. At least we don't look like we're eating because there is no tomorrow.

J. and I think that we should leave on our trip with you on Monday morning after the wedding. That way we'll have Sunday to "recoup" and help the S's get their house back in order. We will all be tired, too. I don't know about you, but I don't want to start a trip half alive. And that will also give you more time to enjoy the S's house and the countryside.

We spent Sat., Sun., and Monday (Easter) at the S's. As always I was ready to leave on Sunday. Sunday I had two of those crazy headaches that I have and Monday morning I woke up with another one. Maybe it is just nerves combined with a terrible sinus drip. I'm better today, but I feel like a bucket of water is on my head.

I will close now and see if I can find something to do. Around lunch time they will load me with work. Take care and we'll see you in less than 2 months.

Linda and J.

P.S. I have short hair now. I couldn't stand that long mop any longer!

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