Saturday, June 6, 2015

Last Two Love Letters Before "I Do" (or I Did)

(((((Going on a binge is usually not good for anyone, but this binge is almost complete. Bear with me:)))))

The last two letters home to my American parents before our wedding. Expect some photos of wedding photos in tomorrow's blogpost.

20 May 1980
Tuesday morn.

Dear Mother and Daddy,

We received your letter written on your birthday, and are glad that you had such a good day. I wish I could have been there with S. looking for the cake.

Be sure to bring some recent photos of everybody since they have surely changed some in the last few months. (Especially the little ones.)

Last week-end we worked on the barn, the pool, and our wedding car. J. has a beautifully restored 1928 Fiat (wine and black) that we'll get married in. Several of his other friends will drive their "old" cars, too. Although we will have a photographer, be sure you have your camera, too. I'll have mine ready for candid shots, also.

Mother, if you are afraid that your dress and Daddy's suit will get wrinkled packed in the suitcase, you might try carrying it in a clothes bag on board the plane. The stewardess can hang it somewhere for you. But if you pack it we can iron any wrinkles out later. Be sure that your luggage is locked securely before you check it at the airline desk. And carry the key in a convenient place ( easy to get to).

We have to go back to Olst to order flowers, cake, see the Notary, see the man at the City Hall, etc. This will be a 3- day week-end, but I'm going to insist that we come back to Rotterdam on Sunday. I have too many things to do here at home.

Tonight I'll go to J's office after I get off work and help him with some work. He is the boss this week since the director and the manager are on trips. We'll eat out, so I don't mind the extra work.

Most of the time I have such little work to do here, I wish I could bring some of J's work with me. 

J. and I both will have our hair cut today, so it can grow a little before the wedding. I still don't know what I'll wear on my head for the wedding. I guess it will be just pretty flowers.

By the way, if someone tries to get you to bring any gifts or whatever, ask them to mail it. Don't overload yourself with too much. I already feel guilty for asking you to bring the things I wanted.

We got our first gift in the mail yesterday. I will have to go to the post office on Friday night to get it. I think it is from Barbara K. She has been so sweet. She writes once a month, and always answers my letters. Lisa tries, but she is a little slower. And I never hear from anyone else but you!

We've read about the terrible rioting in Miami and the volcano in Washington ( or is it Montana?). The situation in Iran seems hopeless. And now there is chance of war between North and South Korea. Working in the Embassy has made me more aware of world news and politics.

Mother, be sure to get the phone number of the hospital where F. will have his surgery in June so that we can call M. and find out how he is.

Another thing, find out the children's sizes. I would like to buy little leather suspender shorts for J. in Switzerland and dirndl skirts for the girls. Or, maybe they want leather shorts, too. We'll just have to look and see what we can find.

J. is going to buy me a watch in Switzerland as mine is shot. I'm having to wear the old Timex that I bought several years ago when my good watch from you stopped.

I'll try to write again this week- end, but that will be the last time before you come. J. said last night it was about time for him to run the vacuum cleaner again. As I hate that job, he usually helps me. And he is a very good dish dryer, too.

We'll see you in Brussels in two weeks. (4 June !!)

Linda and J.

Bridal Frenzy!!!!

23 May 1980

Dear Mother, Daddy, and F., 

I enjoyed the extra long telephone call yesterday. As I told you, we have much to do tomorrow. I suppose that we will go to Olst tonight  and begin our errands around 9:30 a.m. I will order my flowers first since I want to use real flowers on the cake. I haven't seen pretty sugar flowers here, so I'll just substitute real ones. That will be prettier anyway. 

We'll order our rings, too. They'll be just plain, thin gold bands, but I 'd like to have the date engraved inside. That way they'll seem more special. I also will shop for gold ball earrings since my hair is so short. J's idea is for pearl ones, but I like the gold balls better.

I hope to come back here on Sunday afternoon since I have a lot of cleaning to do. I've worked overtime with J. two evenings this week. He has worked enough overtime that he gets 14 days off. He'll use those for our trip.

Tuesday, May 27 I have a job interview for a part-time secretarial job at the American School of Rotterdam. I would work 3 days a week, plus there is a chance for substitute or part-time teaching. Also, I could start a tutoring program like I want to do. I wrote the principal a letter this week reminding him about me, and his secretary called me at work this morning to ask if I would be interested in the secretary's job. I'm excited that I may have a chance to get back into the schools. I think that if I get my foot in the door, maybe the teaching job will turn up.

Carolyn W. sent us an Amway gift certificate. Unfortunately they only deliver in the States. I will choose a gift that you can use and have it sent to you. Don't worry about sending it to me. Whatever I choose will arrive during the summer. Enjoy it with my compliments. Also, you will receive a refund check from State of Louisiana for about $16.00 for my taxes. Just deposit it where I need it.

The weather here is still sunny and around 60 degrees F. I hope it stays that way. We need some rain, but not too much.

We're ready for you to come, amd we'll be waiting in Brussels for you at 9:30 a.m. on June 4. 
Take care and enjoy your flight.

Linda and J.


  1. Question is did you keep the response letters???

    1. Yes, I have all the letters my mother and father wrote to me. I don't think I will be publishing them here, since I might be infringing on their privacy. Maybe they can one day be the material for a book for our family. I have always wanted to write a book! We just need to get a copy of Memaw's travel journal of our honeymoon they shared with us. Linda
