Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Love Letters Home Continues to Binge

...de beste wensen voor een hele fijne dag!

Happy Birthday and the best wishes for the whole day. Take care, and we'll see you in a month. Love, Linda and J.

 ( The card pictured above is the one I sent to my mom on her 55th birthday in 1980. Our family celebrated her 90th birthday with her on May 7, 2015.)

29 April 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy, 

We have a holiday tomorrow (crowning of the Queen), so the Ambassador is having a long conference with his staff. I've typed letters of credentials and wrapped packages and made calls to the Royal Court until I'm sick of the whole coronation already. But at least we don't have to work tomorrow.

Bill and Bonnie B. from Pittsburgh came yesterday morning and will stay through May 5th. Tomorrow we'll sightsee with them, but they'll have to go on their own today, Thursday, and Friday. We have a holiday on May 5, so we have a long week-end to spend with them. J. wants to drive through the north of Holland (Friesland) since that is new to me, too. We'll drive through the tulip field area, since this is prime blooming time.

I cooked breaded pork chops last evening, but tonight we'll have Indonesian food. Feeding two big guys is a task. But at least I'm free tonight. Maybe I'll even let J. make his spaghetti specialty one night this week.

We bought J's dark blue (navy) suit last Thursday ($500 worth). It will be altered and ready on May 10th.

I don't know if I ever told you, but I've been receiving my Reader's Digest regularly. We both like to read it. Did you receive J's package of magazines (2 Holland Heralds) that he mailed about a month ago? We'll not mail your birthday or Mother's Day presents since you will be here to pick them up in June.

We've got cool, rainy weather now. I'll surely get wet on my lunch break today. I'm the bread and milk "picker-upper," so I take a walk everyday.

We mailed the invitations to America on April 27. Family and friends should receive them around the 3rd to 5th.

I'll close now and get ready for lunch. 

Love, Linda & J.

Thursday, May 1, 1980

I started this letter with the purpose to enclose it with a birthday card. I didn't get the card until today, so this is probably late for your birthday. Have a good day, and we love you.
Linda & J.

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