Sunday, June 21, 2015

Not the Mama! But the Grand-Papa!

I think I have referred to a father as "not the mama" in some previous blogpost, since that dinosaur cartoon show was our ( my son and I) favorite television show way back when. 

Today my post should be titled, "Not my father or my grandfather." Today my brothers and their offspring will Facebook about my dad, so I am going to blog about my hub's two grand-papas.

The photo above was taken at my Dutch in-laws' wedding in December 1942. My hub's two grandfathers are the two gentlemen in the foreground. The fellow nearest the post of the staircase and in the front is his maternal grandfather who was killed in the Hengelo,The Netherlands (1944) bombing by the Allies. The bespeckled guy standing behind him is his paternal grandfather who later lived with my hub's family until his death in 1957.

Both grand-papas were "dealers." One dealt in fruit and vegetables, and the other in meat products. 

Both passed away after becoming widowers when their wives died in their early 60's. 

Both gentlemen were loved and respected by their families and friends.

Neither had any idea that one day an American woman would be recognizing them as our son's Dutch foreFATHERS.


  1. "Son's Dutch forefathers" they deserve to be recognized. Hug B

  2. Wonderful picture of your husband's forefathers, haha dealers in fruit and meat, better than cannabis is n't it.
    So good to have old pictures so they remain in memory.

  3. Wonderful picture of your husband's forefathers, haha dealers in fruit and meat, better than cannabis is n't it.
    So good to have old pictures so they remain in memory.
