Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wedding Registry--Love Letters Binge

(I don't even know if there were wedding registries in The Netherlands back in 1980, but we did have a Wedding Gift List. I prepared a gift list in a small notebook for our Dutch friends. They would look at the book, tear out the name of the gift they wanted to give, and then return the book to me.)

This is the list I sent to my parents. Before we returned to the US in 2006 years later, many of these items were sold in garage sales or were given away to charity shops, but a whole lot still fill up our kitchen and buffet cabinets. If I really get bored this summer, I'll share photos of what we still have around our home. Real vintage stuff!!!

Now for the Binge Love Letter that went with this list. We are getting near the end of the marathon leading up to the Big Day ( for me, anyway!):

12 May 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I enjoyed talking to F. yesterday, and to you a little later. I am excited about the photo in the paper (especially on Mother's Day) and the very nice gesture by the church. That even seems to help my feelings about not having a church wedding. Give everyone involved in the gift from the church my love, and I'll be sure to write a special Thank You to them. See if you can find out whose idea this was. I never dreamed something like this would happen.

We had a beautiful week-end. Our friend A. had dinner with us on Saturday night, but other than that I got a lot of sun and relaxed. Thursday, May 15 we have a holiday (Ascension Day). We'll go to Olst to clean the barn and the swimming pool. I hope that the water isn't too cold and that the sun is shining. Unfortunately we have to work on Friday, so we'll return home Thursday night or Friday morning. We may have to go back to Olst during the week-end to see the Notary, choose flowers , order cake, etc. As J. has another obligation in the Hague or Delft on Saturday, I'm not sure where we will be.

J. sends some more instructions for your flight here. He says to check-in with Sabena as soon as you can after your arrival in Atlanta. This way you can pick out good seats. (Ex. Window seats, non-smoking, can see the movie--if it is good-- ask the title.) If you don't want to watch the movie, try to sit right behind 1st class. It costs $2.50 each for earphones to listen to the stereo radio and hear the film. It is worth the money since the trip is so long. Remember that you each can bring two suitcases plus a tote bag for under your seat. In Alexandria have Delta check your baggage all the way through to Brussels. That way you won't have to fool with them in Atlanta. Be sure to put name, address, and phone labels inside and outside each piece of luggage. Also, when you arrive in Brussels you will have to go through Customs. Be sure to have your Passports handy. If they ask you if you have anything to declare, tell them that you have Nothing to declare. If you bring any gifts, be sure to take all labels and price tags off. Otherwise you'll have to pay duty. European Customs are easy, so don't worry. If they ask you why you are in Europe, tell them you came for your daughter's wedding. You should have no trouble.  In fact, they'll probably wave you right through Customs. Just act like you know what you are doing.

I must get this in the mail. Mother, I received the addresses of the extra folks, and I mailed their announcements Sunday (May 11).

Take care and we'll see you soon.

Linda and J.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh I think my fav part is just act like you know what you're doing while going through customs, lol,
    I don't know why but when I read these lettersI tear up,,,
