Saturday, July 4, 2015

What Can You Get Done Without the Internet Access?

Sleep until 7:30 am.
Pick ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplant.
Wash off the front veranda.
Spray your grand-dog with the garden hose.
Wash, dry, and sort the gathered veggies.
Organize the freezer.
Take 4 quarts of frozen figs from 2014 out of the freezer and get ready to make jam.
Run a load of clothes in the washing machine.
Clean a pound of strawberries to include in the fig jam.
Cook the figs, strawberries, sugar, pectin, and lemon juice in a huge pot on the cooktop.
Run the dishwasher with the jam bottles. 
Fill up the jampots with cooked jam.
Give the jam/jampots a hot water bath.

Gosh, I am on a roll!!!


  1. Wow, you've been busy! Sounds so yummy :-)

  2. That is impressive! I would spend half the time obsessing about when I'm getting my internet back :-)

  3. A 7.30am sleep in, would be a dream here. You're definitely on a roll their, don't you just love days like that?
