Wednesday, August 26, 2015

16C is 61F

I just can't wait to walk this morning with a light sweater. 

Is cooler weather really just around the corner? 
Or is this the big tease?

Who cares? 

I will enjoy every step and then rush to the hospital to be with my mom today.

She has moved to the "Honeymoon Suite" for a six week stay. 

She and Daddy went on my Honeymoon, so I'm sharing hers.


  1. That's the temperature here this morning. I'm wondering why it's that cold in August! I wore a fleece hoodie yesterday.

  2. Sounds great! The mornings here have been a little cooler, too. Sending hugs and well wishes to your mom.

  3. Hier regent het pijpenstelen momenteel en de temperatuur is ook gezakt. Fijn dat het bij jullie ook wat koeler is.
    Wens je het allerbeste met je moeder!
    Groet, Janneke

  4. Oh, I wouldn't mind even a little tease. It is still so hot and humid here, don't they know that summer should end in two days?
