Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Awwww! Dog Gone!

Left: Nismo at 2 months old.  Right: Nismo at 5 months old.

This last weekend we took Nismo home to live with his "real" boss in the Big City. 

On the left, you see a sweet boy. 
On the right, you see a bigggg sweet boy. 
Not all the good manners (he jumps on you to say hello!!!) I thought we would have been able to accomplish, but he "takes care of business" outside and sits on command. 
He knows the names and retrieves most of his toys on command. 
He is a big boy and has lost some important baby teeth. 

But his boss has lots more things to teach this guy while enjoying such a sweety that is excited and eager to get along in the Big City.

And as for our Flip, he was back in huntin' business today. With a GPS to keep us informed as to his whereabouts while huntin'. After 5 hours in the rain and mud, he was worn out, as well as filthy.

After his shower, he crashed on the clean kitchen floor, since he couldn't find where I had moved his bed. 

Silly boy! 
It is in the same place it was 3 months ago before Nismo came to visit!


  1. I suppose you will miss Nismo Linda and he has grown so tall in 3 months, he is seriously looking into the world. Good idea to keep in touch with Flip via GPS when he is out for hunting you never know what happens. He must have had the time of his life and too tired to find his bed.

  2. Good job he grew into his feet! How interesting to put a GPS on a dog. He thinks you are the biggest dog of all, always knowing where to find him. If dogs think that way.

  3. LOL :-) They are so handsome. What fun for Flip!

  4. Awwww they're lovely. I too find it interesting that you put a gps on him, great idea actually. Is there standard doggie gps things that can be used?

    1. We purchased a Tagg GPS collar. It worked the first day relatively well. Will see how it holds up.
