Friday, September 25, 2015

Black and White Friday

Blog themes have never been my thing, but I think I will try one while we are travelling the next few weeks. 

So this is my own Black and White Friday photo:

Now that I look at this winter shot of my brother Steve and me descending Mammaw Ridge's front porch steps, I notice a few things. 
First, it seems to have been torn from a photo book ( notice the perforations on the left). 
Also, my Dad's handcrank Brownie camera did not advance the film properly. The roof of the house is at the bottom of the photo. 
This wooden (unpainted!) house was ordered from Sears and Roebuck. 
No stair railings and look at the height of those stair treads!
I remember winter in rural Arkansas as cold, windy, and muddy. The chickens kept the grass short all around the house. And the dirt roads were huge muddy ruts made for slipping and getting stuck in.
Love this photo!

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