Wednesday, September 2, 2015

DIY--Denim Jeans Wrappings

I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies ( from scratch!) for my mom's hospital nurses and my mom and her visitors. Knowing that I will probably never see the containers again, I decided to use the tea tins we have been accumulating for years. Not wanting to spend time or money decorating the tins, I did this:

As I have a stash of denim jeans in all sizes, I found a pair of girl's pants that had legs that were a perfect fit for these tea tins.

The cookie tin on the right is finished, and the one on the left is upside down. As you have noticed, I didn't even bother to sew the bottom closure. A gold colored safety pin closed it easily. 

And I "pinked" off the ragged cuff and simply folded the edge, since that edge will be covered by a "handmade" top.

Here I used a vintage hand crocheted doily as a cover. The tin on the right has a quilt piece.

The tie is the seam of another pair of scrapped jeans. ( I save everything!)

Practically FREE wrappings!

Cheap, cheap, cheap, THRIFTY!


  1. Good idea Linda, and the gifts look so pretty! I'm a saver too, but I have to be careful, our house is not that big to accommodate it all. This reminds me to something. The father of friends of us went into a nursinghome a few months ago. He was a terrific saver of all kind of rubbish. Cleaning the house for sale, they had to rent a five tons!! container to remove all the garbage.

  2. Charming, and oh, so appreciated. Do hope your mom is still happily "swinging".

  3. Recycling at its best. This is so pretty. You must have made your mom very proud.

  4. What a GREAT idea!

    I hope things are going okay for your mom ... I'm so sorry to hear she's been in hospital.

  5. These are too pretty to take apart to eat the cookies. I read down yur blogs about your mom. I hope she is getting better and will never have to deal with swing beds again.

  6. Great idea. I will be doing this.
    Sending a Hug to you and your mom!

  7. Linda, these are so gorgeous! I love it. I'm keeping it in mind when school ends for us here in Australia for teacher's gifts. We've got heaps of old denim jeans. Thanks so much for linking up to Thriving on Thursdays. I always love you popping in on my posts too.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  8. Aren't you a talent they look fab and the lovely Anne ^ is right such a fab idea to spruce up end of year teacher gifts that you could tailor for female or male teacher.
