Sunday, October 4, 2015


We are at the Beltway Apartment, and just the fact of being here causes me to miss lots in my life.

I miss our son, but we will see him at the end of the week when he joins us in Italy.

I miss our beagle Flip, but he is enjoying his stay-cation with his buddy Nismo.

I miss my mom that I have been hovering over for the last four months, but she should be going home from the hospital next week.

I miss my own bed, but I have learned to nap in my recliner.

I miss my homemade Greek yoghurt, but I have learned to enjoy Turkish yoghurt from Lidl.

But mostly, I miss walking!!!!! For someone who has become addicted to walking over 7000 steps (approx. 3 miles) everyday, sitting in the wheelchair or chair all day and night is killing me.

Anyone want to take on my walking challenge the next 5 weeks? 
promise that you will make both you and me feel better. 

Keep Walking! 

(You may even MISS a few calories. ;))))))))))


  1. I hadn't thought about the inactivity bit. How awful.

  2. I would miss being able to walk everyday,too, Linda. Hang in there girl!!!!! Missing something/someone is hard! xo Diana

  3. I would have a very hard time being inactive too.

  4. That's hard Linda, I really feel for you. Have you got some crafting on the go? (love the quilt you found by the way) I'll take up the walking challenge - need to get outside more, the walls are closing in on me... miss my other half. Won't be able to manage 3 miles a day, not enough time, but will do at least a mile x

    1. Thanks, Tracey, for taking up the challenge. Every step ( mile) counts! Linda

  5. Sterkte ermee, kan me voorstellen dat je er af en toe gek van wordt! Volhouden hoor en je lekker rustig houden (al is dat moeilijk), dan geneest het sneller
