Monday, November 30, 2015

Playing Catch-Up!

Today I have tried to catch-up 

On some walking
   (I actually walked around our big pond this morning!)

On some washing
   (I washed and dried our Thanksgiving guests' bed and bath linens.)

On some reading
   (I read all of my maternal grandmother's letters to my mom that were written from 1972 until 1990. My mammaw was still writing letters at the age of 95 or 96 years old!)

On some resting
   (I am trying to recover from a full Thanksgiving week of too much standing in the kitchen!)

We had butter beans and hambone and cornbread/rolls tonight for dinner, but tomorrow we attack the curly kale!


  1. I love kale. I adore beans and greens.

  2. Sounds like you got a lot done on your day of "catch up". Those are always good days. I think you need to stay off that leg for a bit longer...xo Diana

  3. Hope all is well with you and your family. I miss blogging and visiting my favorite blogs, but for now I must help my sister with her husband. His dementia is progressing and is more difficult to stray from his routine. Didn't want you to think I forgot about you.
