Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Last Log Cabin Squares

Well, it is finished! 

At least I am finished with sorting through my mom's "things" that she left behind. I still have a few boxes of photos, diaries/journals, and personal odds and ends that I just need to peruse over lots of cups of hot tea, but the sorting has been finished, on my part anyway. 

We didn't all follow the rules for distribution that I as self-proclaimed matriarch had set up, but I think we are okay. I even saw this as an opportunity to return a few items to the collection that my Mom had given me in the last few years . Maybe another family member will appreciate them more than I.

As my hub and I were almost ready to leave Mom's house yesterday, my sweet sister-in-law handed me a bag of "fat quarters" she had given Mom in the last year with the hope that Mom would feel like putting together a quilt top. And look what I found inside:

Not one, but two Log Cabin squares. Completely pieced and sewn by hand! 

Notice that the corners match, and the stitches are divine! 

My sick mom could still piece quilt squares even at 90 years old! And entirely by hand! 


  1. I had a hip replaced 12 years ago. I couldn't do any "real" things like spinning. My sister, the quilter, showed me log cabin squares. I made a couple of quilts. Log cabin is more challenging than it looks.

  2. That's cool! I can't do that and never could.


  3. What a precious memory of your mom stitching those blocks by hand. She had a good hand even at that age. Amazing. xo Diana

  4. What a wonderful find, Linda, like a blessing from your mom.
