Sunday, December 20, 2015

Azaleas and Geraniums and 1000 Kilometers on December 21, 2015

And grass that could be mowed!
Even down here in southwest Louisiana, we do not expect to see these blooms at Christmas. Even my Knock-out roses are "knocking it out."

And I have "knocked out" 1000 km in the last year. ( Even with the timeout for a broken foot!)


  1. A very happy holiday to you and yours, Linda.

  2. We had an unusually warm winter some time back in the eighties. My cousin called from Denver to moan to his father in Cleveland about an unusually heavy snowfall on Christmas Day. My uncle replied he was mowing his lawn.It's that warm again here. Enjoy the azaleas, and have a Merry Christmas.

  3. Lovely Geranium!
    I live on Central Java, hope we can meet each other when you come across Java island.
    have a nice holiday...

  4. 1000 km. het klinkt verschrikkelijk ver om te lopen, gelukkig kon je er een jaar over doen.
    Hier bloeien er ook nog steeds rozen, de geraniums zijn inmiddels wel gestopt, het lijkt wel of het weer over heel de wereld zichtbaar aan het veranderen is.
    Wens jullie fijne Kerstdagen in Louisiana.
