Friday, January 1, 2016

On the Other Side of 1000

Well, without any conscious planning, I made it to the other side of 1000 blogposts today. 

And to top that off, my Wetcreek blog passed the 75,000 viewers mark sometime on the last day of 2015.

Flip, Nismo, and I shivered through the fireworks at midnight. We didn't see a thing huddled on the small couch in our bedroom. (TV full blast with hiphop music and bright lights does not work!) The two pups heard every pop of the firecrackers! Neither dog jumped upon my lap, thank goodness! (35 pound Flip and 72 pound Nismo) Today they just wanted to sniff at the fireworks remains in the front yard.

Are you having greens (we're having cabbage or kale), black-eyed peas, sweet potatoes, and cornbread for our dinner tonight?  Greens are for the "moola"/money, peas are for the good luck, sweet potatoes are for the healthy life, and cornbread is just because. 

Because who eats those other foods without cornbread down here in the Deep South?

With this cooler weather this week, I'll be making more of an effort to hit that 10,000 step goal every single day. (Real reason: Too many oliebollen yesterday! :(

Hurrah for a new year! 

A new start! Happy New Year 2016!


  1. Ik ben blij dat de oliebollen weer op zijn, klaar voor een nieuwe start.
    Wens je een Gezond, Gelukkig en Voorspoedig 2016 met veel `loop´ plezier.

  2. poor dogs,, lol, I hate fireworks too,

    Your dinner does sound good and yes we could do a great pot luck , lol,,
    Happy New Year!!!

  3. Happy New Year Linda! Really impressive post count! Been blogging for about 5 years now and still some way off 1000.
    Like the sound of your meal - bought the biggest bag of kale yesterday, but no one else will eat it so I'm having it with everything... :)

  4. Happy new year lovely, I hope it's a joyous year for you.

  5. Interesting foods and what they stand for, Lin! Good luck with the 10,000 daily goal. Although we are still waiting for the "cold" and the white stuff, this has been kind of nice. Happy New Year...:)JP

  6. Happy New Year and I am having kale it is covered with sno and ice but as any one knows it only gets sweeter. Hugs B
