Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blame It on the Three Snakes

Last evening our electricity was out for almost three hours! 

Now that is not so unusual for this state during inclement weather, but we were high and dry. And luckily the moon kept us from being pitch dark.

Here is what the electricity company put on their Facebook:

 "Crews are working to restore power to (Your) Substation due to damage as a result of 3 snakes. An estimated time of restoration will be given as it becomes available."

3rd World Louisiana❣ 
Can't help but ❤️it here❣


  1. It's a real shame when a snake can take out a power station.

  2. LOL - Keep us posted if they show a photo of the 3 snakes that are the culprits.

  3. Do you remember the total black out of the eastern United States fifteen or twenty years ago. It was a squirrel in a substation that tipped the dominoes, as I recall.

  4. O Linda, wat een grap dat 3 slangen het elektriciteitsnet uit kunnen schakelen. Dat was dus even in het donker zitten, maar ik kan hier ook de humor wel van inzien.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  5. Hoi Linda,
    Ook in Denemarken valt de stroom soms uit en ontstaat er spontaan een flinke brand in een elektriciteitshuisje langs de weg.
    Waardoor? Door naaktslakken!
    Vraag maar aan Willemijn en Tjeerd!
    Liefs Jan en Marjan
