Thursday, May 26, 2016

Heed This Message: Don't Talk to Strangers!

(This message is for my friends and relations who are "nicely seasoned/aka OLD" like I am.)

Don't talk to strangers!

Don't take anything from anyone you do not know! ( Nothing in life is FREE!)

Don't get into the car with just anyone who offers you a lift!

Don't tell someone on the phone (or elsewhere) anything personal ( full name, age, address, social security number, bank account number, credit card number, mobile phone number, passwords) about you or any of your family members!

Don't dial back missed phone calls if you do not recognize the phone number!

Be wary of scams on the phone, on your e-mail, and even face to face!

Because the life's fortune you save, may be the one you will need❣


  1. You can look up missed phone numbers on the reverse number site. It's sort of fun to read all the comments from people who actually took the scammer's call.

  2. Amen- There are so many scams out there it isn't funny. The latest and greatest now is the IRS is going to have you arrested unless you pay your back taxes over the phone with a credit card. I have a friend that has a police whistle by her phone and as soon as the person starts in on their spiel she blows the whistle loud and long and then hangs up. I like her idea! xo Diana
