Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Dad's First Father's Day/Birthday Gift--Me❣

My daddy wrote the following letter to my maternal grandparents on his 25th birthday and a day after I was born in 1948. Thought that you might enjoy reading a bit of my family history that I have been carrying around in my keepsakes since my mom gave it to me in the early1960's. 

I will transcribe the letter after my photo of it.


At Home (Pardon Me, I mean "Hospital")
June 23, 1948

Dear "Grandma Ridge":

Just tho't I'd let you folks know that I am only one day old, but this world is no stranger to me. I'm getting used to it already. Beginning to see how things look on the outside. I got tired of the "dark".

I came into this "new world" last nite, June 22nd at 8:55. I caused my Mother quite a bit of suffering and my Daddy quite a bit of worry, but I finally got born. My Daddy said he didn't know if I was worth it or not, but you just wait about 6 months from now and see what he says.

They finally took me in to see my Mother this morning about 11 o'clock. I think she kinda tho't I was cute. My Pop did too. I haven't got a good look at that rascal yet. Kinda anxious to see him up close too.

Aunt Doris stayed with my Mother last nite. She ( my Mom) is all right tho' so don't worry. Think my Pop will take good care of her. Well, Grandma, just tho't I'd let you know of my "arrival". Tell "Grand Pa" "Hello" for me. We'll be seeing you when I get strong enough to travel.

Love, your new "granddaughter", "Linda Cheryl" (over)

P.S. How about coming down here to see me if you can. My Mom & Pop said they would be glad to have you. They'll find time to spend with you maybe, if I don't take too much of it. They'll have plenty room for you. Come on down to see me. Be glad to see my other "Grandma".


  1. Oh, what a great letter. My daughter, I also had on Fathers Day. You, cannot top that right? Special gifts indeed. Happy Birthday to you and my daughter:) Hug B

  2. what an incredible gift you received in this beautiful letter written by your Dad thinking about how the world looked through your eyes. Just wonderful.

  3. That's the best letter ever.

