I remember her yummy Martha Washington bonbons and peanut butter balls that she made every Christmas.
I remember crawling into a freezing feather bed in the room across the hall and searching for a warm spot.
I remember her delicious chicken and dumplings.
I remember that she liked to cook, but hated washing dishes (like me, the dishes part). And Mom said Mammaw got every pot and pan dirty in the cooking process.
I remember my brothers peeing off of her back porch.
I remember going out to the outhouse and being afraid that a snake would crawl up the hole and bite me. And I remember when she got a real bathroom in her house❣
I remember sleeping on the couch in her living room on Christmas Eve and seeing my parents set up my little brother's toys and accepting that they were Santa Claus.
I remember my Mammaw coming down to Alexandria with Uncle Gene to see how we were after our automobile accident 49 years ago.
I remember her supervising my mother's painting of our living room when I was in high school.
I remember Mammaw getting off the Continental Trailways Bus looking like she had just made a five minute ride, when actually she had been on the bus the entire day.
I remember that we missed my Mammaw's funeral in 1993, and Jr. said he wished we had gone there.