Monday, August 15, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mammaw❣

Today is my Mammaw (Emily Frances New) Ridge's birthday. 

I remember her yummy Martha Washington bonbons and peanut butter balls that she made every Christmas. 

I remember crawling into a freezing feather bed in the room across the hall and searching for a warm spot. 

I remember her delicious chicken and dumplings.
I remember that she liked to cook, but hated washing dishes (like me, the dishes part). And Mom said Mammaw got every pot and pan dirty in the cooking process.

I remember my brothers peeing off of her back porch.
I remember going out to the outhouse and being afraid that a snake would crawl up the hole and bite me. And I remember when she got a real bathroom in her house❣ 

I remember sleeping on the couch in her living room on Christmas Eve and seeing my parents set up my little brother's toys and accepting that they were Santa Claus.

I remember my Mammaw coming down to Alexandria with Uncle Gene to see how we were after our automobile accident 49 years ago. 

I remember her supervising my mother's painting of our living room when I was in high school. 

I remember Mammaw getting off the Continental Trailways Bus looking like she had just made a five minute ride, when actually she had been on the bus the entire day.

I remember that we missed my Mammaw's funeral in 1993, and Jr. said he wished we had gone there.

Born August 15, 1895 and died December 13, 1993. She lived to be 98 years old❣


  1. Loved Mamaw's little house. Everybody sat in the living room visiting and telling stories. When it was time for bed, we'd get farmed out to one of the aunts or uncles' houses. I never got so many hugs. What a wonderful family to mold mine by.

  2. Almost the same as my special grandma, who was born in 1894 and lived to 1989. They were the wonder products of a different era.

  3. Oh what incredibly good memories. Happy Birthday to her she had a great long life and you were lucky. Hug B

  4. Beautiful memories ... I enjoyed this post.
    xx oo

  5. Her days were long in the land. What a lot of happy memories she helped create!

    I really enjoyed this post. For some reason it made me think of the chapter in Little House in the Big Woods where the Ingalls go to a Dance at Granpa's. Your grandmother sounds spunky, rather like Laura's. :)

  6. This reminded me of my grandmother. I remember the cold beds and cold closets that smelled of moth balls. She had a small two bedroom home that filled with about 50 family members on the holidays. Good memories of days gone past....never to be repeated again by current generations.
