Wednesday, December 14, 2016

It Has Been Taken Care Of

What the heck does that mean? It has been taken care of. Especially when you are trying to pay for the meal that you had in a small restaurant located out on the byroads of Louisiana.

When our son heard this story, he started laughing and suggesting that it was time for us to buy new clothes. But we did not look so shabby, and, in fact,  we both had on new jackets. And we are old, but I think we look pretty good for 68 and 71. And we did not order the cheapest items on the menu!

When I insisted on paying for our meal, since "we don't do things like that." The cashier would not hear of it. As we knew no one in the restaurant, I asked who had paid for our meal. She said that she was not allowed to tell us. So instead of causing a scene, we wished the cashier a "Merry Christmas" and left.
Forgetting that we hadn't even left a tip for the young waitress😩.
Guess that means a stop back at that restaurant the next time we are traveling on that road.

(Yes, I have heard about Pay It Forward. But I won't be paying forward to folks who don't need it.)


  1. It's the thought that counts?


  2. Hmmmm. I bet you can't remember the other people around well enough to surmise, either.

  3. What a wonderful gesture someone made...and it probably had nothing to do with the way you looked or were dressed. Maybe someone assumed your hubby was a retired veteran? That is what I am betting! xo Diana
