Friday, December 22, 2017

My Momma's Memories of Christmas

Christmas Memories
By Virginia Darline Ridge Chapman (May 7, 1925 -October 20, 2015)
My momma wrote a blog her last few years of a very long life. She never included these Christmas memories, so I will do that for her. Momma's memories were published in her local newspaper back in December 1981.
"Being 7 years old with Christmas only a few days away is always an exciting time. And it was no different back in 1932, except it was during the Depression and there was very little money at home.
My father was a dirt farmer who had only 40 acres to support his seven children, that was until my mother gave birth to twins a week before Christmas. The twins were delivered by a mid-wife with the assistance of my mother's friend and my father. The mid-wife received a pig and a sack of flour for her services.
My two older sisters, who were 13 and 15, decorated the house the best they could for Christmas. I can remember red and green crepe paper streamers draped around the room. There was also a big red Christmas bell. My sisters and brothers cut down a cedar tree from the woods and decorated it with homemade ornaments. My sisters also cooked the Christmas dinner by instructions from my mother who was still weak and too busy with the babies to be of much help.
Santa Claus even came that year. When people in town heard about the babies, they made sure Santa stopped at our house with a new toy for each child and plenty of candy, fruit, and nuts to fill the stockings. I received a storybook and a bracelet.
I'll never forget these sweet memories. We were poor in material things, but very rich in love. My parents always gave us the best they could, and their love made up for the difference."


  1. I'm glad you posted this. It's so sweet that the neighbors helped out with gifts after the gift of twins arrived.


  2. Nice story Linda. It's good to cheries our memories.
    Wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2018!

  3. Oh, thank you so much for posting this, Linda. I know we have it so easy nowadays compared to people that lived through the depression. I am so glad that your mom felt safe, secure and loved for that was the greatest Christmas blessing of all.

    Merry, Merry Christmas to you. xo Diana
