Friday, April 20, 2018

I Have Been Away

I sort of abandoned my Wetcreek Blog, but I wanted to come back to share a video. This could have been my story.  I am still dealing with this after 48 years.

Plus, I am also still dealing with a Pacemaker implantation three weeks ago while on one of our regular trips to The Netherlands. More on that experience when I get back home to southwest Louisiana.

Growing older isn’t easy.


  1. Father God, I pray for a complete and miraculous healing for Linda in Jesus' name. I thank you for sending me to her blog this morning. Thank you Jesus for taking stripes for her healing. Help her to receive it now in Jesus' name. Amen.

    God bless you Linda!
    I found you again from a comment you made on one of my blog posts at Harvest Lane Cottage a long time ago. Here it is if you're curious. I'm from Missouri USA.

    Laura Lane
