Thursday, August 1, 2019

I Give Up

I am missing my daily cup of coffee. Since I began taking iron supplements about three weeks ago, I stopped drinking coffee. Don’t want to do anything that will interfere with getting out of this anemia slump. Having never been a coffee drinker before last summer, giving it up for a month or so should not be too difficult. 

Speaking of giving up (or at least putting on hold), I found that I was spending too much time on Instagram. It was literally causing a “pain in my neck.” Plus my latest entries were really quite lame. So I have taken a break from that, too.
What have I accomplished since giving up things I enjoyed in the past? Not much. It is as hot as heck down here. We had a couple of cooler mornings last week, and I got some weeding done in my front flower beds and along our boxwood walkway. And I crocheted an afghan blanket for my son’s significant other who seems to be cold a lot.

If I can just figure out how to get good photos on this blog, then I may be blogging again. 

In the meantime, drink a cup of coffee for me. I like it pure. No cream. No sugar. ☕️ Linda


  1. Hi Linda. I have a blog also, and as long as your photos on your phone go to the Google photos cloud, when you write your blog post you can access them right from there. So handy! My problem with blogging is that it's just far more labour intensive and sitting at my laptop for me, which is why I'm mostly just putting photos on IG and only one blog post a week. Good luck with your blog!

  2. I've never had to give up coffee. I don't like it. But sometimes I give up things I like and it can be tough.


  3. I love my coffee so I feel for you but as you said, you haven't been drinking it that long so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad. Keep your chin up regarding blogging and as for Instagram, I look at once in a while. Blogging is more fun I think!...:)jp

  4. Drinking it as we speak, Linda. Straight up, black, all my life, except the first cup with cream and sugar. Yuk.
    Hope you steam on through this current slough.
