Saturday, August 24, 2019

Life in the Slow Lane

I know it is my imagination, but I feel fall in the air. I never was much of a summer person, and the older I get the more I complain about the heat. My front porch garden is nothing to write home about, but we have munched on a few cherry tomatoes and actually harvested about four eggplants that I worked through our spaghetti sauce.

As I sat down to add to this blog, I noticed the beautiful pink volunteer pink Vinca that took up lodging where the “never do well” geraniums struggled and died. In the photo, the lovely Vinca plant is on the left. We won’t discuss the Zonal Geranium on the right that was much too expensive and probably not ever being included in my plant purchases again. 

Still trying to conquer this iron deficiency anemia by sipping a hot cup of plain tap water instead of tea or coffee. Enjoying a breezy and partly cloudy Saturday morning on the front porch. Life in the slow lane😬



  1. Try mandevillas next year. They will demand strings to climb and enclose your porch!

  2. So Lin, what's up with the deficiency? Can you get shots to rebuild your iron levels?...:)jp

  3. We too have been feeling fall in the air. It makes me a little sad because I do love summer.

    I get volunteer marigolds every year, and this year we also got a volunteer tomato that is bearing fruit, though it's not been a good year for tomatoes in general.

    Stick with the flowers you know will work is my motto! :)
