Monday, August 5, 2019

Our Kith and Kin Cookbook (Preface)

In 1977 one of my father’s sisters (Aunt Florence Chapman Pike/Sister) wrote a family cookbook entitled “Family Favorite Recipes.” She dedicated the cookbook to my paternal grandmother Floy Thomas Davidson Chapman who passed away at the age of 73 years back when I was in elementary school in the late 1950’s. Unfortunately I do not have too many physical objects to remind me of my Mammaw Chapman, but I can remember that she was a good cook. Even my own mother said that she learned how to cook from her mother-in-law. How many people would admit that?

This is my Aunt Florence’s preface to her family cookbook:
“This book is dedicated to my mother Floy Davidson Chapman—one of the best cooks in the world.

“My mother’s kitchen was a special place—cheery, warm, and bright.

“Before the sun came up Mother was there cooking breakfast for her family. I can almost smell the delicious aroma of bread, cookies, and good things baking.

“It seems to me my mother spent most of her time in the kitchen. When the older girls left home, I was her special helper and got my lessons in cooking from her. Some of my best memories of my mother are the times she and I spent together preparing meals for the family in the kitchen. It was there she told me many stories of her family and my dad’s, James Alexander Chapman.

“Many years have come and gone since my mother and I worked side by side in the kitchen, but memories of them grow sweeter with each passing year.

“The recipes in this book have been collected from Chapmans, their descendants, and their friends.

“I express appreciation to all of those who have given me recipes for their favorite dishes. We tried and tested many but could not test them all. All of the food we have eaten that these relatives cooked has been good. We feel sure that these recipes were “tested” by those who submitted them and that they and their families like them.

“Ladies of the South are known for their good cooking. We believe you will find the recipes in this book practical and good.

“Thanks to you—our kith and kin—for sharing your recipes with us.”

Linda’s Note:  Don’t worry. I will only publish my Mammaw Chapman’s recipes and maybe my own mother’s. The rest will remain in the well-used little yellow cookbook that Aunt Florence mailed to me when I lived in The Netherlands years ago.

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