Thursday, October 15, 2020

Momma, I Don’t Like Being Old Either

 In a blogpost that mom Virginia published in 2012 at the age of 87, our Mom, Momma, Mother, Memaw, and Daddy's Honey said it best about getting older:

"I Don't Like Being Old.

I've discovered that you go through life thinking every day is a good day, Then you see a few grey hairs show up in your beautiful blonde hair. Then a few tired lines show up around your eyes and the corner of your mouth. That's not so bad as when you notice you've gained a little too much weight, now its time to do something about that. You start a little diet to get rid of the bulge, but that doesn't last long. You've got to eat something because you feel empty inside. So much for the diet, it went out the window.

Next thing you know your eyes are giving you trouble. You can't see as well as you used to. Thank goodness your new reading glasses work really well. You can thread a needle again. Then you find out from the doctor that your blood pressure is way too high. Thank goodness again for the medication that makes it get back to normal. Everything is going to be OK now. I'm over the hump.

Sounds like it's gonna be easy going from now on. So I thought. It was nice doing all the things I loved to do. I went places and did things I'd always wanted to do. What fun, that is until I had trouble with my back and had to have surgery. Now it's down hill all the way.

Now let's get serious. This past year is trying to do me in. I was diagnosed as having Dermatomyositis, an idiopathic, cell-medicated, inflammatory disease of the skin and muscles. It's a miserable disease that has no cure, and the treatment can cause all kinds of bad things to a person. I spent all morning today getting my eyes checked for cataracts. I was having trouble reading fine print. Guess what? My next thing to do is have these cataracts removed. I'm not giving up yet. I've got a long way to go yet." Virginia Darline Ridge Chapman (1925-2015)

Miss you, Momma



  1. What a wonderful post. I am sorry she had to deal with that in the later years. Life is not an easy journey as we age. xo Diana

  2. That's beautifully written. No wonder you miss her.


  3. How right Momma is. And you. And me. I don't like being old, either.
    This is such a charming piece.

  4. She was so right! How you must miss her.

    Hope you are staying safe and well, Linda.
