Friday, May 8, 2015

We Just Became Grands!

Remember that I was the gran of "grand-cars"? Well, yesterday I became the gran of this cutie:

Now I have a grand-dog, Nismo. He just spent his first night in his new home with our bachelor son, and it seems he is taking over the place.

Glad he will spend some time with us out here in the country for housebreaking before he breaks down our son's house!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Congratulations! He is such a cutie.

Anonymous said...

he is very cute,very very cute,, those eyes, and those soft velvet ears,,, make me swoon!

Buttons Thoughts said...

You had me with the title. So cute and fluffy:) Hug B

Jumble Tree said...

He's gorgeous! The kids are desperate for a dog - my eldest would love one like Nismo. Feeling the pressure.....

DrivingDutchman said...

Please get a rescue if you can. Nismo is a rescue dog. 100% cute mutt.

Anonymous said...
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