Monday, December 17, 2012

It is Shopping Time, In the Garden

Bet you thought I meant shopping for Christmas presents, but I have already finished that kind of shopping.

Tonight I shopped for lettuces in our raised beds in the garden. The eggplants and herbs "bit the dust" long ago from the cold temps, but there are still lots of lettuce and arugula. So tonight we accompanied our leftover lasagna with a fresh out of the garden lettuce, arugula, and store bought tomatoes salad. Yum Yum. Especially five days before winter begins a good home grown salad is a treat.

Back in October I also planted two types of garlic and onions in one of the beds, but we will have to wait for spring to enjoy them.

Last night we had a really delicious meal at our neighbors' home at the beginning of our road. T and G had invited their church friends and the folks on our road for a scrumptious evening meal.

G is a great cook and had delicious "dirty rice," potato salad, green beans, and cornbread. For dessert she had made a huge, yummy carrot cake and a couple of batches of bread pudding.

There were so many people there that we stood to eat, but my hub said that he had more control over his food than to sit on the couch. Then you eat like you are sitting in an airplane seat. That is always a challenge for both of us.

So standing was good.

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