Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Time for New Glasses

These eyeglass frames have seen their day. Literally and figuratively. I knew that they were probably damaged when a piece of furniture smashed into them (and my face!) last week when we were settling in all of the family furniture.

But this morning I saw the damage in the bathroom mirror.

My frames are six years old, although the lenses were replaced not quite three years ago. I should have expected some wear and tear on these foil covered metal frames, since they are my one and only glasses. And I can't read or see a thing without them. That means from the moment I open my eyes in the morning until the moment I close my eyes at night, those frames are perched on my nose. They are the same glasses I wear outside to weed eat or inside to slip on between mascara swats to see what I am doing with my makeup. So what do I expect after 6 years of intensive use?

Now just to pretend they don't look so bad until after the holiday rush when I can then go see my eye doctor and choose a new pair of frames.

Wonder what model I will try this time, in the year of my "retirement age"?

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