Friday, August 2, 2013

Around the World in Circles

There is the old expression "halfway around the world." Well, the blue and white plates on the plate rack in our dining room have probably passed that halfway mark.

From left to right top shelf:
Left--Very old Chinese plate (many cracks, but repaired and back repainted) that my in-laws gave to us over 25 years ago.
Middle--Gift to my father-in-law while he was in the automobile business.
Right--Another old Chinese plate (cracks and all) given to us with the one on the left.

 Bottom shelf:
All I know is "Chinese" plates that hung for years in my in-laws' home.

If I had the time or desire, I would try to track down if they are "real" or valuable. It does not matter to us, since they were part of my hub's inheritance. 

We just enjoy them all.

(Photo from my new camera!)

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