Sunday, September 14, 2014

And Is This Fall, Y'all?

I think we had FALL yesterday and today.

But tomorrow looks like it will be SUMMER again.

Glad I got the sidewalk to the side door weeded. Now maybe we can edge the yard side with baby boxwoods that I started from cuttings back in April.

And we used our Flymo grass mower today around the agaves. Next time we use it, I'll take photos. It is a handy little orange machine.  My niece's husband thought we were vacuuming the grass.

Photo Source

Flymo like the one we have.

Our own little Hovercraft for doing the small mowing jobs. 

Now I am just waiting for the robot kind ;)


  1. Tell me how you "started" baby boxwoods!

    1. Easy peasy, Rebecca. Just type in Boxwoods in the search this blog box up in the top right corner of this blog. I have blogged a couple of times about boxwood propagation. Thanks for asking. Good luck if you give it a try. Linda

  2. That's a cute little machine.

  3. Cool machine! "Baby boxwoods" is a charming phrase.

    It's fall here for sure. All we need is a frost to kill the ragweed and kick the trees into high colour. :)

  4. I have never seen one of those! I think I need one for some little low trees that I have to get under. xoDiana

  5. And to think I get on my hands and knees to get under low lying areas!!! Never heard of it but thank you for sharing!!...:)JP

  6. Gaat het beter met je muggensteken?
    En ja, deze tijd is weer tuintijd.
    En je man gebruikt daar een mooie machine voor!
    Veel succes!

    Lieve groet,

  7. Now that is a very cool machine I have never seen one before. Hovercraft I like it:) Hug B

  8. It does look like the orange little machine is vacuuming the grass :)) I am home for a few minutes today and just read your email. All is good, my oldest daughter is on vacation and I am staying at her house watching the children. I'll email you soon.

  9. That mower is so cool! I have never seen one before.

  10. Autumn begins Sept. 23rd. I want a yard Roomba. A Groomba?


  11. That little mower is quite cute and the mower guy is too! Does he come with the machine? I am wanting fall weather!
