Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LL 11 oktober 1979

11 oktober 1979

Dear Mother and Daddy,

I'm by myself tonight for a few hours, so I thought I'd write and brag a little. I got my final grade for my MSU class today, and it's an "A" (4.0). I will complete an independent study by November and most probably get another A since it is a Pass/Fail kind of course. That will give me a total of 6 credits to add to the 18 I already have. I will take 6 more hours next spring so I will have the 30 hours beyond a Bachelors Degree that I need to get a job in the Hague. It will boost up my salary a few hundred dollars a year, too. In November I will start "bugging" the directors and principals about a job for the spring or next year.

I went to Delft with J. today to shop and see his new office.  While I was at the office I tried to call you at 8:10 a.m. your time. No one was home. I then called Mammaw and really surprised her. I got to talk to Aunt Vernona, too. No one else was at home. Where did they get the idea I am in Switzerland?

I didn't go to my Dutch class tonight. It is too difficult, so tomorrow I will go to get my refund and enroll somewhere else. I'm going to try to get in a day (afternoon) class. I don't like to be out at night alone.

We will stay here this week-end since J. has to help get the new office organized. Next week-end (Oct. 19-21) we will go to Olst to get my car. Next week I have to study Dutch driving rules. They are somewhat different. Ex. Cars coming from the right, always have the right of way.

This is old O.V.E. paper. They have changed their name to Travel Trend so the paper is useless. I'll cut off the top and have good airmail paper.

I'll close and watch T.V. a while. Write when you can. Mother, thanks for sending my financial news.
Love, Linda

(I tried to Google my husband's former workplace and could find virtually nothing in the original name Nederlandse Vereniging "Ouders, Familieleden en Vrienden van Emigranten OVE." But I did find the following ad of the company after the name was changed to Weerzien Overzee in an ANWB [the Dutch equivalent of AAA] magazine published in the late 1980's. For 20 guilders ($10) per year, the 30,000 + members could expect cheap airfares, contact persons to guide them throughout their flight/trip,free travel insurance, and travel bags, baggage straps, etc.)


  1. How much fun it must be for you to reread the letters that you wrote to your family, I know I am enjoying this series of blog posts!

  2. I remember reading these when you posted them. Just so much fun to read them. We are about the same age so I feel like I am right back there with you. Blessings - xo Diana

  3. Yes, I'm enjoying the peek, too. More will be nice. I wonder if it is easier to be a newbie when you are young.
