Tuesday, September 30, 2014

LL 30 oktober 1979

30 oktober 1979
dinsdag  -  11:40 a.m.

Beste Mother and Daddy,

I slept "in" today just to be lazy. I didn't even get up to fix J's breakfast. I see that he ate a bowl of corn flakes. Since he likes cereal I'm not too ashamed. Last night we carved a jack o'lantern, and I still have yellow fingernails. J. did most of the cutting, and I did the digging out the seeds. We put the lantern in the fridge so he won't rot. Tomorrow night we'll put him outside on the balcony wall with a candle inside. I am enclosing a polaroid photo of me and the pumpkin head. The film was a little old, but you can see our masterpiece.

Photo Source

After the pumpkin business we went to visit friends and stayed until 11:30 p.m. We were both exhausted since we also shopped and cleaned yesterday. Sometimes on Monday J. gets the day off, so we are always busy.

December 20th is the date we have reservations to fly to see you, but as I said we are not 100% sure we can come then. J's boss is upset that the other main worker and J. have both chosen Christmas to take off. We don't want J. to lose his job, so we will change the time if we have to.

I'll stop now and go buy a few groceries. Write when you can.
Love, Linda   


  1. Ben weer een beetje achter met blogjes lezen zie ik. Een beetje laat maar nog Gefeliciteerd met de verjaardag van je 'vintage' J. En dan dat filmpje van Rotterdam, wat een promotie voor ons landje, maar de markthal vind ik weer een schitterend stuk werk. Vandaag wordt hij geopend door Koningin Maxima en ik ga er zeker binnenkort eens naar toe.

  2. Smiled at the 'yellow fingernails' comment - will think of you when I'm carving out 3 in a few weeks time! x

  3. Letter home are always so enlightening and I am sure tug at your heart. HUG B
