Sunday, October 5, 2014

While It Warms Up. Outside

I know my followers think I am nuts, but I am waiting until the temps warm up just a bit before I go outside to transplant baby boxwoods today. I woke up to 9 C (or 48 F) outside this morning. This is actually winter temperature waaaay down here in Dixie.

So in the meantime I'll show you my trip yesterday to the Beauregard Parish Fair exhibits. I was supposed to be "manning" our Master Gardener's booth, but early on I had a chance for a stroll through the exhibithall.

Enjoy all the hard work done by my parish (county to the rest of the US) neighbors.

Focus On Recycling Daily

Perfect jack o'lantern size

Remember loufa sponges? Here is a green one. Loufa gourd, that is.

Save the Bees!

Save your money. Plant a garden.

What a life!

Maybe I should think about entering something next year.

Sugartown watermelons?

We do have fall, y'all!

Hope this wasn't a real flag.

Whew! Looks like a fun project, but not for me.

Nice work!

Way to recycle those old jeans.

Beautiful work!

Cute baby quilt.

Found myself looking for faults in this one. But I could never do as well.

Love kid posters!

My colors!

Don't you love the tin roof?

One of our Master Gardener members Allen Wells made this huge bowl from sycamore wood. What a beauty! And it is huge!!!!

A real Louisiana quilt! Sportsman's Paradise!

And here is where I spent most of the midday. Behind the leafy greens at the Master Gardeners' table.


  1. what a wonderful Fair, I love looking at quilts, really some beauties here, thank you for bringing us along!

  2. De vertaler vertaalt een beetje raar, maar ik kan het ongeveer volgen.
    Volgens mij heb je een mooie fair bezocht en je hebt o.a prachtige herfstfoto's gemaakt. Ik hou van de herfst!
    En de quilts zijn ook prachtig!

    Lieve groet,

  3. These are exactly the things I look at when we go to the county fair! Veggies, stitchery, and kids' art. Thanks for this fun visit to yours. You should definitely enter something next year. :)

  4. What fun to see all those things, Linda. I love those sweet town fairs. It is cold here, too. We were just above freezing this morning. UGH!!! Not ready-xo Diana
