Thursday, October 30, 2014

Have Your Cardinals Disappeared?

Last night some of my Master Gardener friends and I had an e-mail chat concerning the lack of cardinals (those lovely red birds!) in our gardens/yards. 

As I am presently at our "other home" where I have never seen anything but huge crows or huge sparrows, I can only surmise that my friends in Beauregard Parish are just being a tad impatient about seeing masses of those red beauties. 

When the weather gets colder, they will come looking for "gourmet restaurants" out in the yards. I have no fear!

Have you seen cardinals in your "neck of the woods" lately?


  1. Now that you mention it.....We had them around all summer but I haven't seen or heard them in a while.

  2. Yes- We have them at the feeder today. I just saw one and was surprised because I had not seen her in a while. They are such pretty things. Sorry yours have disappeared. xo Diana

  3. We have cardinals year-round, though we notice them more in winter as they show up so beautifully against the white landscape.

    Come to think of it, they have been a bit thin this year. I wonder what's up?

  4. A beautiful cardinal has just reappeared after an absence, glad to see that beautiful red bird back!

  5. I use to have five males and as many females now I have only on pair. Had anyone found out what is going on. I am in Upstate NY,

  6. Yes no cardinals for several months now we live in Florida I'm reading they will return when it gets colder I'm hoping that's the case as we love love love these beautiful red birds
