Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Vintage Kohler Hand Crank Sewing Machine

She looks her age, but she's still moving.

I guess that best describes me, as well as my new (old) Kohler hand crank sewing machine.

This rusty and crusty and extremely dusty old machine was my latest vintage find ($7.50) at the "boeldag" in Bathmen. I have yet to find a legible serial number so I can find out more info about it, but I will share my photos.

The wooden "coffin" cover polished up nicely. Unfortunately, someone must have lost the key and had to break the lock to open the lid. Now you can't pick up the heavy "portable" machine except by the base.

TaaDaa!! I am pretty certain this is at least a mid-1940's model. Maybe even older!
She has been well-worn and unfortunately abused. But with a little ( tooth) brushing, q-tipping, and oiling, my hub got her running. She was frozen in time! Now she works! And I have almost gotten all her pressure points adjusted. 
She sews!!

This may be the clue to her age.

And it took a snapshot to show this sphinx.

Even a ruler.

I found the bobbin holder "bobbling" around in the bottom of the case. It has seen better days, but it works. And the round shape shows this machine is not from the early 20th century.

Not a bad idea to make close-up shots. She still needs some dusting!

And polishing. And rust treatment. Not the most expensive sewing machine model.

But all the important parts are now oiled and functioning.

Hub says rusty parts could use some vaseline.

Attachment box lid is missing, but there are some bobbins and pressure feet.

View of her rear.

A Very Good purchase.



  1. What a GREAT old piece, Linda!!! I love it. I have my granmma's old FREE treadle machine and it still works, too. The finish is in poor shape so I am thinking about painting it. You found a great piece there! xo Diana

  2. that is a treasure!

  3. I love your find. Are you going to sew with her, or simply put her on display? She is worthy of being exhibited.


  4. Wowie kazowie! She's lovely. Sewing machines used to be so gorgeous, and now they're just soulless hunks of plastic with a tiny bit of metal here and there. What a great find.


  5. She's a beauty....the machine and case are much like the old Singer my mon had.

  6. Wat een geweldige vondst, Linda!
    Ik heb er ook een die eerst van mijn oma toen van mijn moeder en nu van mij is.
    Die van mij is een Singer.
    Echt iets om blij mee te zijn!

    Lieve groet,

  7. Dat is een goedkope mooie vondst! Sinds 2 weken staat er hier ook één in de kamer, van mijn moeder geweest die dit jaar naar een verzorgingshuis is gegaan. Het is een Naumann en ziet er nog tiptop uit. Ik vind het hier overigens wel een beetje vol worden met al die spullen, jij hebt het geluk dat je al je vondsten kunt verdelen over 2 huizen.
    Groetjes, Janneke

  8. Wow, what a treat. I love that it works!
