Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Solo Shopper

I like it when my hub goes shopping with me, but he hates that I stop, ponder, and then walk away without a purchase. That is why I walked to the city centrum solo yesterday. He was busy waiting for our car to be repaired, and the sun and temps were perfect for a 20 minute walk to town.

With my passport, bank card, and house key in my travel pouch and my cell phone and camera in my jacket pocket, I was off. No real shopping plans, but I just wanted to stop and ponder and then walk away (with or without a purchase).

On a Tuesday afternoon, the foot traffic is reasonably light. From the apartment to the train station (10 minutes or so), I saw two people. Both were attached to bikes (one riding and one balancing the bike while chatting on her phone). While walking through the station, there were more folks, but not especially busy. Crossing the streets into the city was a cinch. Not much auto traffic, and I had the sidewalk to myself.

The first shop I entered was Xenos. Lots of cheap "eye candy" in this store. Not anything we actually need here at the Beltway, but it is always fun to get ideas. Even if I never do anything with those ideas ;). I did find plastic placemats with Delft tile designs that we can use and a few silicone baking products that I like to give as gifts.

And as a real thrifter, I could not resist the colorful cakepop display towers for 25 cents each. In fact, I picked up several in different colors. I have never (and will probably never) made cakepops, but they would make cute gifts or even displays for lollipops for kiddies in our family. 

When I went to check out, the super friendly young cashier had some difficulty with the reduced price towers. She called over the manager to "override" the price coming up on the register (5.95 Euros!!!). Then the young cashier looked up at me and said in Dutch, " You know you can not return sale items." I then said with a laugh, "For that price I won't be bringing these back." Then we both laughed! Guess that was store policy to inform me, and, of course, the manager was still within hearing distance.

With the largest plastic bag I could find (15 cents), I trudged on down to the Hema. The smell of worst smacks you in the face as soon as you open the door. I looked around downstairs but never went upstairs to check out the same kind of merchandise that I had already found in Xenos.

Next on my shopping spree was the Walstraat. This street is well-known for their Dickens Festival in December. We will probably never experience this grand crowd fest, since Christmas time in The Netherlands is not on our agenda anytime soon.

But I did visit a nice vintage shop and picked up a few holiday votive candle lights that remind me of Scandinavian lights we had years ago.

Then I spent a good half hour in my favorite shop Mevius looking for inexpensive new books (mostly best-sellers) and other thrifty bits. 

By this time, my bags were loaded. And even the quilt fabric shop on the way home could not pull me inside.

Next time I think I will take a shopping cart or my backpack carrying hubby. ;)


  1. Oh, de Walstraat is een hele mooie oude straat met leuke winkeltjes.
    Ja, de Xenos is ook een leuke winkel voor van alles en nog wat tegen niet te grote prijzen.
    Je zou ook gewoon de binnenstad nog eens in moeten. Oud, met mooie zijstraatjes. Je kunt er zo een hele poos rondbrengen.
    Veel plezier!

    Lieve groet,

  2. But if he's with you it's likely you won't buy anything and then he'll grumble again and then you'll go on your own again and come home laden with parcels again and.......

  3. You had some good finds. I like thrifting too, but haven't had much time for it since I took on the second job. I miss the fun of the hunt!

  4. I don't like to shop with Willy Dunne Wooters. He sits in the car and reads the news on his phone. Online shopping is easier for me.


  5. Ik moet altijd lachen om al je vintage vondsten, je bent een ster in het zoeken naar leuke koopjes. Ik ga ook soms naar kringloopwinkels of rommelmarkten, maar tegen jou kan ik niet op, haha.
    En inderdaad, zomaar een beetje winkelen zonder iets te kopen, kun je beter niet met je man doen. Ik vind het ook altijd gezellig als F. meegaat, maar als we dan eenmaal in de stad zijn denk ik, had ik hem maar thuis gelaten.
