Saturday, November 8, 2014

Dinner with the Farmer's Daughters at Lugtenberg Farm "De Riet" in Olst

Since my hub and I really didn't want to make any long, tiring trips during our visit to The Netherlands this autumn, we searched out things to do close to the Beltway apartment. Last evening we had an enjoyable evening with a lovely dairy farm family in Olst.

As part of the project group Stichting Ijsselhoeven (Eten op Ijsselhoeven), the young Lugtenberg family (with four beautiful daughters) opened up their farm and home and kitchen to the two of us plus two other couples for an informative and delicious evening. Going out to have a good meal is always on our "to do " list while on vacation, but this meal was different and special.
De Riet

We arrived at the Lugtenberg farm on the Kleistraat at 6:00 pm (as requested). Everyone around here has their evening meal at this time, so that was no surprise. We were greeted in the barn by the farmer and his cute young daughters who politely pumped us with questions when we told them we were from the US. I had previously reminded my hub not to chat too much about us, but what do you do when your host and sweet hostesses are so curious? What was even more interesting was the fact that my hub's parents had built a house and had lived for over 20 years just a few streets over in this small community. So technically, you could have called these folks neighbors. At least the older generations had been the neighbors. For seven generations the Lugtenberg family has had a farm on this spot in the province Overijssel.

In my next post,  I will share our dinner menu and our tour of the farm.
For more info about the dinners on the farms, go to


  1. Lovely looking cows.

  2. Wat een leuk idee dat 'Eten op IJsselhoeven'. Lijkt me erg gezellig en lekker, zo'n soort huiskamerrestaurant op de boerderij, ben benieuwd wat jullie allemaal opgediend kregen.

  3. I like visiting farms...always adventures!...:)JP
