Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kringloopwinkel De Boelschuur in Urk --Our Visit Last Evening

How many opportunities do bloggers have to actually meet their blog friends face-to-face? Well, for me almost never, until last evening.

On Blogland you can pretty much choose your blog friends by first finding blogs that interest you and then becoming a follower. A true blog friend leaves a comment now and then, and most of the time that comment arouses the blogger's curiosity to check out your blog. Having lived for almost 30 years in The Netherlands (1979-2006), I still love to read Dutch and of course Dutch blogs. So I have Dutch blog friends as well as those from North America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries in Europe.

Last evening we took a ride over to Urk, The Netherlands to see what keeps my blog friend Alie busy. You will surely enjoy her two blogspots Huisje Weltevree and Kringloopwinkel De Boelschuur, so drop in to see her. Better yet, if you happen to be in Urk, The Netherlands on a Monday or Friday evening between 8-10 p.m., stop by Klifkade 17. As the Dutch say, "You will look your eyes out."

Alie's home and beautiful boxwood (I am green with envy!!!) garden on her home blog are real eye candy. And the actual visit to meet her at her shop the Kringloopwinkel De Boelschuur last evening was a fun experience for both my husband and me.

This is nothing like I see back in Wetcreek country.

And the shop is not an antique shop. It is a true second hand/thrift shop where the prices are reasonable and affordable.

Any decor you can imagine is organized and displayed so that shopping is a joy. And we bought that huge framed ballerina to fill up some wall space in the Beltway apartment.

Now does this look anything like the junk shop down the road from you?

Even that green plastic bucket high up seems to fit in!



Maybe we should go back?

What else did we bring home? My Zwiebelmuster buys will be spotlighted in another blog, and the fish will be dinner sometime this week.

Thanks, Alie and all your family and friends in the "winkel " for your hospitality and kindness. 
We will keep in touch (with the Dutch) !


  1. Wat een lief bericht en wat een leuke foto's heb je gemaakt (ga het even delen hoor). Ik weet niet of je mijn bericht ontvangen hebt, maar ik vond het heel leuk om jou en je man eens in het echt te ontmoeten. Hoop dat je het leuk gevonden hebt en dat de visjes lekker smaken. Mijn man heeft ze zelf op de Noordzee gevangen. Misschien tot ziens? Groetjes Alie

  2. What a wonderful place to visit. A true THRIFT shop--my favorite kind. One where prices are geared towards real living. What a fun visit. Glad you got to meet your blog friend. xoDiana

  3. What a great shop....and no, nothing like the thrift shop in our area.

  4. I love the shop and the ballerina. I could wander around there for yours. Thrift shops here just have junk in them most of the time.

