Friday, December 12, 2014

Clean Your House After Your Guests Have Gone

I am a rotten housekeeper, but a super house cleaner! 


Cleaning our house is a job! Since my cleaning girl quit coming, I am left to do the work. Before we went off to The Netherlands back in mid-October, I did a great job cleaning. When we returned five weeks later, I swished out the toilets and overlooked the dust collection and got ready for the family Thanksgiving Dinner.

And I took my dear mom's advice: Clean Your House After Your Guests Have Gone.

Well, for the last week I have been cleaning and sprucing up this place for Christmas. It is time to attack the brick floors again, but we'll wait until January.

Time to throw Flip a few tennis balls. That is much more fun than cleaning house!


  1. Ah, is Flip a tennisball addict too? House cleaning is also not my favourite job and I know it is stupid, but I always clean the house before the guests arrive, so this week it was cleaning time and next week I start decorating.

  2. Your sister is right mine says the same thing but I never listen but this year I will:) Hug B

  3. We were it talking about this...clean before company for Thanksgiving, clean after they leave, decorate for Christmas, clean because of the mess you made, clean before Christmas company, clean after they leave, take down the decorations, clean again! Thank goodness for long Winters!!!!!...:)JP

  4. Cleaning is highly over rated.
