Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Late Autumn in Our Backyard

Warning: Photo Overload!

Forget the cleaning and Christmas decorations! We went for a walk through Mother Nature's backyard, and check out her decorations. Guaranteed 100% Organic!

Please do not expect me to identify forest flora. I am a Master Gardener, not a botanist :>)

Happy family!

Emerging from the muddy soil.

Fairy tables.

That orange!

A beauty!

Cake anyone?

What about this one?

A view from the trees.

Not small potatoes! But mushrooms in the making.

White basin.

Semi-fairy ring.

This reminds me of the illustrations in the children's books I read to DrivingDutchman when he was a child.

Three of a kind.

This is called "the scrape" in deer talk. If deer mating interests you, check out "what hunters are doing wrong" at http://www.nola.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2013/08/most_deer_hunters_are_doing_it.html.

Only palm (palmetto?) we saw on our walk.

The road taken. So glad my hub keeps these lanes passable.

Another "scrape." Flip added his pee. That should confuse things!!!

Crooked Creek (aka Wetcreek)

Deep Wetcreek


Look closely.

A man and his dog.

Deep ravine.

Louisiana wild magnolia.

And wild fern.

My brother and his SIL's deer stand. 

If you look carefully, you can see our prairie field.

Here is another view of the prairie.

I am sure that this photographer was photographed. Now those guys will view a "real dear."

Difficult to see, but a deer slide. They must have a blast out here in our backyard playground!

Another slide.

There is that lovely speckled orange again.


Finally Christmas decorations! But not holly.

Grrrrrr! Red ant habitat!!!

More Christmas!

Having fun with my photo app. Nice shot of man and dog, heh?

Berry Merry Christmas from Mother Nature!

Gray berries, not blue ones.

What animals eat these?

Too many of these for one blog post!

Kind of like what could happen with overeating at this time of year.

Definitely not organic! But located in an idyllic spot.

We are almost home, Flip!

Are you sure that isn't an Easter egg?

Oops! Stay on our own property!

Don't eat wild mushrooms!

We can look back on a fine walk in our deep woods.

We'll save this path for another afternoon. 


  1. What a lovely walk you had. Thanks for taking us with you.

  2. Great pictures of your woods, must have been a lovely walk.

  3. Lieve Linda,
    Nee, het zijn geen passeieren.
    Het overgrote deel van de paddenstoelen die je gefotografeerd hebt zijn vliegenzwammen. Zij beginnen als een bol en groeien uit tot een plaat. Bekend van het versje "op een grote paddenstoel, rood met witte stippen, zat kabouter spillenbeen, heen en weer te wippen. Krak zei de paddenstoel en met een grote boog,vloog kabouter spillenbeen op de grond terug."
    En de "aardappelen" zijn bovisten.
    En je hebt groot gelijk, zo'n wandeling met zoveel mooie dingen is veel mooier dan kerstversiering!
    Een prachtige wandeling was het.
    Geniet nog even na!

    Liefs, Gerry

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wat geweldig, jullie eigen bos, een sprookje!! Dat is hier in Nederland toch echt ondenkbaar (of je moet miljonair zijn hahaha).

    Groetjes Alie
