Monday, December 8, 2014

Daf Cars and Frugal Living--Love Letter

6 december 1979
2:30 p.m.

Dear Mother and Daddy, 

By looking at the back of this paper you can tell where I am today. I taught math to 7th and 8th graders at the Middle School. It wasn't quite as pleasant as 5th or 6th grade, but I managed. I saw a few spitballs and heard a few curse words, but they were just trying me. Tomorrow I will teach art at the Arts part of the American schools in The Hague. I will be the 3rd substitute for the teacher. That should be interesting!

I had a little car trouble on the way to work today, but J. will come at 3:30 to see what is wrong. That way I won't be left stranded. Used cars can be a problem sometimes.

We celebrated Sinterklaas on Sunday evening in Olst. We spent over two hours reading poems and opening gifts. I got a paperback book, two kinds of perfume, food, a set of towels, and other little things. Everyone had fun, and we had eggrolls for dinner. Monday night we went to a 12 1/2 year wedding anniversary celebration. It was interesting, but I was ready to leave after about one hour.

I am enclosing a copy of our flight schedule. It is the final one. 

Our trip is costing a little over $1,000 for both of us to fly to you. Of course, that doesn't include the car or fuel. But that isn't too bad. I am learning to economize. Yesterday I sewed a new skirt out of an old brown wool one A. can't wear. I cut around the moth holes, and it doesn't look too bad.

Well, I have babbled enough. We'll see you Dec. 20th.
Love, Linda

4:30 p.m. 
I'm home, but my variomatic belt on my right rear tire is broken.
Photo source:

I drove 48-50 mph all the way home with J. behind me. He went back to work so I now have to cook supper.

I got W's letter postmarked Nov. 14 and Nov. 29. (Postage due was the delay.) No photos!! I'll have to take my own in two weeks.
Love, Linda

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