Wednesday, December 3, 2014

LL 13 november 1979

13 november 1979
dinsdag middag

Beste Mother and Daddy,

We had another long week-end in Olst, and I'm trying to get back to my old self today. I slept a little too late, so I'm still "groggy." But I've already washed a load of clothes and shopped a little, and it is not noon yet. Today is Dutch study day, plus I still have to write a report to mail to Michigan State on Friday. As you see I rarely am bored.

I worked at the Middle School in The Hague again Friday (5th graders--I thought of W. all day). J's sister A. and her husband P. came to spend the night as soon as I
arrived home from school (around 4:30--I have a 1 hour drive from the Hague). They ate at friends, and J. and I had Kentucky Fried Chicken. It was our first experience here, and we were pleased.


Saturday morning all four of us slept late and then drove to Olst that afternoon. Sunday night we went to dinner, and I ate so much I was sick. It doesn't seem to bother anyone but me. Maybe my stomach doesn't like such rich food. We came back home last night around 6:00, and I've felt like a wet dishrag ever since. The sun is out today, but that doesn't seem to help.

We will definitely be able to make the trip to visit you about a month from now. I have written you the dates, but I'll write you the particulars later.

I must do some Christmas shopping next week. There will be a special Thanksgiving service at the Pilgrim Fathers' Church in Delfshaven (Delfts Harbor) on Thanksgiving.


I will go to that, and I plan to go to the Scottish church this coming Sunday. The American Women's Club Thrift shop is located there, and I went there last Thursday. I enjoyed the meeting and plan to join the club.

I am enclosing several photographs that you might enjoy. Take care of them for me since I haven't had reprints made yet.

Photo #1
D., my DAF, and me. You can also see J's van in the left corner. This was taken 3 weeks ago at the S's.

Photo #2
You can see I ate much pasta in Italy. Aren't the snow-capped mountains in Italy beautiful? This was taken in late August.

Photo #3
My living room and plants in Rotterdam. This photo was taken in early July.

Photo #4
S. and J. See any resemblance? I thought you would especially like this one!!

I'll close now and run mail this. Write when you have a chance. We'll see you soon!!

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