Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Love Letters Are Back!!!

7 november 1979
woensdag middag

Beste Mother and Daddy,

I received the cute Halloween card and your letter Monday along with a letter from David C. So that was indeed a "good mail" day. This is the first time in about five days that I've had a chance to write. Saturday I cleaned the house thoroughly. Sunday I cooked a big dinner, and J's parents arrived around 4:00 to spend several days with us. Monday we ran a few errands and then drove with the S's on the harbor. On the way home we stopped and had pannekoeken (pancakes--giant size) at a small village. When we arrived back in Rotterdam we shopped some, and I cooked again.

Monday night J. and I left his parents here and went to visit his friends for a couple of hours. (We had made the appointment a week ago.) Tuesday morning we got up early. J. went to work, and his parents and I drove to Zeeland (Zealand) to see the big Delta Works (huge sluices to regulate the water level).

We came back home around 3:00 so I could study Dutch. At 6:30 we went to a terrible Austrian restaurant.

I was sick all evening. At 9:00 the S's left, and I went to a Dutch lesson. At 10:00 J. picked me up and we went to a birthday party until 11:30 pm. This morning I was up at 7:45 am to make J's breakfast. I went to a Dutch lesson at 10:00 am and was at home at 11:15 am.

I am pooped! I have house cleaning and studying to do, but I will take a nap first. Tomorrow I will go to a "New Members" meeting for ANCOR--an American Women's Club here. It sounds very much like a service league group. When I have free time I hope to do what I can.

Also, Friday, I will work at the Middle School in The Hague. The high school called for Friday, too. I guess that is par for the course. Either Friday or Saturday we will go to Olst. Sunday is Mr. S's birthday, and we'll eat out at a nice restaurant on Sunday night.

Our Christmas schedule is:
Arrive December 20--1:05 p.m. In Dallas. We'll drive to you.
Depart January 2--8:50 a.m. From Dallas. We'll have to drive to Dallas on New Year's.

We will go to Baton Rouge and stay one night with Barbara and Larry K. We'll also have a chance to see Lisa, David, Tommie, and Jeanie while we're there. Does Daddy have a sales meeting in Memphis? If so, we can go together and use the rented car (unlimited mileage) and share the gas cost.

My pumpkin is still in the fridge. After I finish this letter, I'll chop him up and cook him. Mrs. S. also brought a huge amount of fruit. So we should stay healthy.

Well, I have bored you enough. Take care and don't work too hard. I'll write more legible next time.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet! It must take you right back to read these again.

    What a very fascinating photo of the sluices.
