Sunday, February 8, 2015

Letters From Home

While straightening out my closet last week, I ran across a plastic bag filled with letters from HOME. The bag included the correspondence I received from my friends and family after I moved to The Netherlands in the summer of 1979. 

As I have been sharing my Love Letters to my dear parents from 35 years ago, I thought some of my followers ( like family??) would enjoy seeing what friends and family were sending to me --so far away.

My two oldest nieces were already in school, so here are some sweet notes from Stephanie and Wendy.

Wendy's letter was written in 1979 before her sister Claire was born. 

Stephie's letter was written in 1981, but right at Mardi Gras time. So that seemed appropriate, plus Steph has a 7 year old son who will probably enjoy reading this sweet letter.

Oh, by the way, never bind up old paper envelopes with rubber bands. They MELT!!!! From now on I am using beautiful ribbons and lace. :)))


  1. These are adorable! The poo patrol, the parade, the pictures, the baby, the TV ban. And the intrigue of going to a school you're not supposed to attend is very exciting. I hope they never found out where your niece's family lived....

  2. What a happy find! Great you kept them. Love the PS on the last one. I'm trying to hold on to any amusing notes and drawings at the moment. For later! :)
