Thursday, February 12, 2015

Some Southern Sunshine in Mid-February

Enjoy the warm sunshine! 
Temps are still quite cool here. 
And March winds are already blowing. 
Winter is still ruling!

The grass is greening up slowly.

Lots of sun on the porch, but the wind is way too chilly for me.

Dafs from a couple of seasons ago are showing their springy yellow color.

A shadow shot to show how sunny it really is!!

My "outdoorsy" brother calls these bluets( Houstonia caerulea). Lovely name for Spring's early message.

And this butter bloom was opened wide yesterday. Today it feels the cold wind, I guess.

Oh, Lordy, how did this dandelion find my front steps?

 Snowflakes (with na'ar a drop of snow!) show their beauties.

Love the tiny green spots on each petal! Snowflakes (Leucojum aestivum) are native to the Mediterranean and North Africa. Glad my mom and SIL found them here on the homeplace site and saved them for me to plant in our garden.

Oops! Forgot to water these pansies! 

Sad, but they will bounce back. Promise!

Hugging the warm door on the front porch. This three foil oxalis (wood sorrel) is ready to flower along with the purple heart (related to the wandering jew plant).

Spring is on its way!!


  1. I see you have a wonderful view from your porch. The rocking chairs are waiting for you......
    May be it's cold but you have sun and the Leucojum aestivum is already blooming, we have to wait another month or may be even two before they start flowering.

  2. All I see out front here is snow....-15 C today. It will be quite a while yet before we see signs of spring.
